fendi t-shirt 在 Farfetch雙11?78折優惠?內有Giveaway?? | 黑咪 的影片資訊
#farfetchunboxing #敗家 #購物 #雙11優惠 Information: Farfetch Website: https://rsnap.it/d-TDFn2R Code: No...
#farfetchunboxing #敗家 #購物 #雙11優惠 Information: Farfetch Website: https://rsnap.it/d-TDFn2R Code: No...
#withfarfetch #rSnap #敗家 #購物 ❗️Information: Code: JUNE20 Offer: Extra 20% off Seasonal Sale Durat...
Hey guys! I know everyone is sharing black friday deals but if im honest, i haven't looked at the sa...
❁❁ WATCH ME ❁❁ 謝謝大家再次收看我的不專業分享? 可能是你看過最短的outfit video?? 其實我私下穿得和大家一樣,以舒服為主便算了! 但如何在小細節中可以和別人不同? 我整理...
Hey everyone!! It’s finally sweater season! So in Today’s video I wanna show you how I transition my...
#farfetchunboxing #敗家 #購物 Information: Farfetch Top Sale Link: https://rsnap.it/2yUxR Code: JULY20...
Hey guys, So i've been filming some of my outfits and taking random clips of my day and thought i'd ...
一年一度的時尚盛事VOGUE Fashion's Night Out全球購物夜(FNO)終於在10月13日晚間盛大登場,今年FNO邁入10週年,VOGUE也首度與台北市政府攜手合作,在信義區松智路封街...
Hey guys! It seems as though you guys enjoy the casual hauls integrated into my vlogs sometimes so I...
Hi guys, Firstly I want to apologize if the uneven background bothers/ed any of you. I think the an...